Dentures in Brookfield, CT

Dentures Decorative Image

Dentures can be fixed or removable, partial or full, and implant supported or not.

A denture replaces multiple missing teeth. Fixed dentures require implants, while removable dentures may or may not rely on implants for attachment.

Traditional Dentures

Full Dentures for the Edentulous Patient:

(Missing All Teeth in Either the Upper or Lower Arch)
Traditional dentures are removable, and do not use implants. Traditional dentures include an acrylic base that is custom-made in the dental laboratory to mimic the appearance of natural gums, and this base sits over the gums, holding the denture in place. A complete (full) denture is made after all the teeth in the upper and/or lower jaw have been removed and the gum tissue has healed. Denture paste or adhesive is often to used to assist in holding the denture in place. Removable dentures can be removed and cleaned when not being worn.

Partial Dentures for the Patient Missing Multiple Teeth in One Arch:

A traditional partial denture is a removable solution for replacing many teeth in one arch when there are still some natural teeth present. In this case, the acrylic base will also contain some metal attachments that wrap around the existing teeth for added support. Partial dentures can also be attached to crowns on either side of the denture. Removable partial dentures can be removed and cleaned when not being worn.

Implant Supported Dentures

Implants can be used to anchor dentures in place, allowing for a smaller base and less shifting of the prosthesis during use. Implants can support both full and partial dentures as well as both fixed and removable dentures.

Learn more about Dental Implants

Frequently Asked Questions About Dentures

What is the average cost of a set of dentures?

The average cost of a set of dentures depends on the type of dentures (partial or full; implant-supported or traditional) and the material used to make them. When you come to our office for a consultation, we can go over your options and help you make the best choice for your needs, preferences, and budget.

What is the best type of dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are generally considered the best option available because dental implants can prevent and even reverse bone loss in the jaw. That said, every patient is different and has their own unique needs, so what’s best for you may not be best for someone else.

How long do you have to wait to get dentures after teeth are pulled?

It’s usually recommended that you wait six to eight weeks after your teeth are extracted to get fitted for a denture, as your gums and jaw need time to heal in order for us to design a denture with a comfortable, secure fit. A temporary restoration can be provided during this time.

Can you get dentures that look like real teeth?

Of course! Today’s dentures are more realistic than ever. There are a number of high quality options that look and function much like natural teeth.

Can you sleep while wearing dentures?

You should not sleep while wearing your dentures. It’s important to give your gums rest each day, so you should take your dentures out every night and place them in a cleaning solution while you sleep.